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Home Projects Mastermind Here for You!


You asked, we answered 

Let's Chat: Your Common Questions Answered

On this page is where some clients, past and current, have asked some common questions that we have been asked numerous times. So, here is where we have a few of those recurring questions displayed so you know ahead of the game some answers you may have along the contracting process.

Let's Talk Money: Free Estimates for You!

We always offer a free estimate for any project at any location listed on our website's location page. No matter your final decision. So, give us a call and we would be happy to schedule you for your free estimate today!

Secure Commitment: Contractual Clarity for Clients

Once we come out for your free estimate and you choose to have us tackle your task for you we will then write out a legally binding contract in which will list any and all details to be included in the pricing that was originally discussed. It will include all aspects of the project that are to be 100% finished before any form of payment is received. We want our clients to be more than satisfied with our work and we will work thoroughly through each step of the job at hand until all details of the contract are completed. 

Rave Reviews: See What Our Clients Have to Say!

We are more than willing to provide as many references as would make you feel more comfortable and reassured in our quality of work that we provide our clients with. Upon request, we would be happy to email you those references. 

Christina L Patrick
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